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Databook C4S - Salesforce CRM
Databook C4S - Salesforce CRM

This document contains instructions for granting Databook C4S permissions to read data from Salesforce CRM. The document describes integration using OAuth 2.0 Client-Credentials Flow.

Tobias Gorsia avatar
Written by Tobias Gorsia
Updated over 2 months ago

Databook C4S - Salesforce CRM

Document v1.0a

This document contains instructions for granting Databook C4S permissions to read data from Salesforce CRM. The document describes integration using OAuth 2.0 Client-Credentials Flow.



Microsoft Copilot for Sales provides Databook C4S (Copilot Extension) with identifiers such as AccountId and OpportunityId. It’s up to the extension itself to resolve ids into actual objects with these requirements:

  1. Resolve AccountId to Account Name.

    1. Given AccountId 001ao00000eQZxaAAG return AccountName Oracle.

    2. AccountId -> AccountName.

  2. Resolve OpportunityId to Account Name.

    1. Given OpportunityId 006ao000004JaOr return AccountName Oracle .

    2. OpportunityId -> AccountId -> AccountName.

Databook C4S relies on the Salesforce REST API for integration. It uses the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow for Server-to-Server Integration as its means for authentication and authorization into Salesforce.


  • Salesforce Environment

  • Salesforce Administrator / System Admin

  • Copilot for Sales (Premium license)


A. Creating an integration User

  1. Navigate to the Home page in Salesforce Sales.

  2. Visit the Setup page.

  3. Under Administration Setup → Manage Users, click on Users.

  4. Click on New to start creating a new User.

  5. Complete Basic User Setup, pay attention to set User License as Salesforce Integration.

B. Configuring Integration User Permissions

  1. From the All Users list (A.4), click on the newly created User name.

  2. Configure License Assignments for the new User.

  3. Tick the Salesforce API Integration Permission Set License and hit save.

  4. Under Administration Setup → Manage Users, click Permission Sets.

  5. Click New to start creating a new Permission Set.

  6. Give the permission set a name.

  7. Go to Object Settings.

  8. Click on Accounts.

  9. Click edit for the Accounts object

  10. Grant Access to read accounts by id

  11. Go to Opportunities.

  12. Click on Edit

  13. Grant read access to Opportunity by Id

  14. Under Administration Setup → Manage Users, click on Users (A.3).

  15. Click on our previously created User (A.4).

  16. Click on Edit Permission Set Assignments.

  17. Grant the newly created permission set

C. Creating Connected App

  1. Go to App Setup → Create, click on Apps.

  2. Click New under Connected Apps to begin creation.

  3. Fill out basic information

  4. Configure OAuth

  5. Save the Connected App

  6. Under the Connected Apps list, click into the newly created app.

  7. Click Manage Consumer Details

  8. Take note of the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret

D. Contact Databook

  1. Securely share your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with Databook.


  • DatabookC4S does not appear in the Outlook sidepanel even though it’s installed.

    • Make sure that you are in the msdyn_viva environment.

    • Click on Connections from the left Power Automate sidepanel.

    • Remove any existing connections to DatabookC4S.

    • Manually create a new connection to DatabookC4S.

    • Go back to Outlook and sign out of the CRM environment.

    • Sign back in to the CRM environment - DatabookC4S should now appear.

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