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Understanding company financials
Databook provides the insights you need to understand your account's financials
How to view a company's business segmentsInformation on a company's business segments that are available on the Databook platform
Can I download company financial data from Databook?Databook allows you to download company-specific data for financial metrics and value drivers
What are Value Driver Trees?Value Driver Trees provide an insight into how companies create value
How do we create competitor groups in Databook?An overview of the information and techniques we use to review company peer groups
How can I see which companies my account competes with?Databook includes peer groups for all companies
How do I benchmark my account's performance versus its competitors?Understanding a company's performance relative to its competitors is a key topic for C-suite conversations
How do I find out if a company is under pressure to meet analyst forecasts?If a company fails to meet analyst forecasts, its share price could fall
How do I find out which is the most important business segment at my account?Databook has revenue growth and profitability insights for business units at a company
How do I see how a company's stock price has performed relative to competitors?Databook helps you understand whether rises or falls in your account's share price are related to its performance or market trends
How do I see Metrics and Value Drivers for my account?Research and benchmark a company's financial performance in more detail
How do I customize the competitor group for a company?